

    特殊收容措施:-收容物-1981被放置在site ██的多媒體檔案館的一個安全視頻收容單元內。當被使用時,收容物-1981不應從其箱子內被移出或暴露於任何強磁力源。在site ██的觀測影院02準備了一套betamax家庭錄影係統和一台模擬電視,以及用於錄像的電子設備。-



    單份收容物-1981的視頻拷貝被放置在site ██的多媒體檔案館的一個 安全視頻收容單元文章中。

    描述:-收容物-1981是一盤標準的betamax錄影帶。其側麵的不幹膠上用氈尖筆寫著“ronald regan cut up while talking”(原文如此)。實驗室分析指出收容物-1981由普通塑料製成,且其序列號與1980年九月生產的家庭錄影帶一致。收容物-1981似乎為一盤家庭錄影帶,記錄了美利堅合眾國總統羅納德·裏根,在3\/8\/1983,弗羅裏達,奧蘭多的雙子塔希爾頓大酒店,在全美福音派協會發表了他有關“邪惡帝國”的演講。盡管如此,在1分10秒時,裏根的演講聲調開始偏離,變得沉悶,並最終變成裏根沒有說過的話語。在約5分鍾時開始,裏根身上開始逐漸出現多處切口,撕裂傷,和穿透傷,盡管沒有這些傷口的可見來源。盡管這些傷害足以讓一個普通人無力化,裏根將繼續演講直到他的聲帶被切斷或錄像帶播放時間達到22:34。-

    收容物-1981是[已編輯]██████████████████████████████████與被稱為████的受關注人士,以及收容物-████、收容物-███ ███和成員已被收容物-001同化的被稱為“██████ ██████ ████。”的受關注組織的結合體。收容物-1981以[已編輯]著稱且效力於[數據刪除]███ ████。██[已編輯]通常被d級描述為“很他媽陳腐”。████████ ███ ████ ███████[數據刪除]███████

    [已編輯]。███ ██████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ██████ ███[已編輯]██ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ ██████ ███ █,在這之後朝他的頭開槍,砍斷他的腳,刺入他的心髒,用他的拳頭碾碎他的脾髒,然後大聲宣告“幸好我恨它。”









    (this is the hanged king\\u0027s fat mixtape!)


    (beats by dado)


    (gamers against weed, y\\u0027all)



    i’m from a kingdom level above human n’ i’m here to spit


    that i drop those taxes, cause small gubmmit’s the shit!


    my world sd horror drives you round the bend


    twelve! eighteen! now there i go again!


    unravellers eat these rhymes as i spit them out fine


    and the wound on my neck won’t stop me this time


    the sadness the ckness the darkness the crunk


    mr. gorbachev (da?) turn up this funk!


    object ss safe cause i don’t do crime


    and the beast in the night will roll in the slime


    a pious pit in a vile bath


    and i kick politics down a drooling path


    and there are known knowns and there are unknown knowns


    and there are unknown flows and unknowns at my show


    some of them are in the audience right now!


    we got a lotta fuckin daeva in this here crowd!


    billions of dead souls inside containment


    what we gonna do? (stop al-qaeda!)


    there’s a hole in the wall in the bottom of the floor


    my conservatism? disgusting gore!


    woo! i rock the mic


    like the heart with the spider legs talking all night


    the american people face a terrible schism


    e on down to the white house for cannibalism


    (i see you)



    i’ve seen the offices of google and the mountains of ska


    the derelict houses in the cornfields of nebraska


    if the right eye offends then seek emancipation


    a hokey smile that damns a whole nation


    now get on up and cut up a baby


    shake your ass on the floor like you’re talking crazy


    i turn hearts to filth and i know to get down


    eaten whole by void, boy i like that sound


    i’m the sum of all your nighttime fears


    may the usa reign for a thousand years


    i drink blood from putin’s skull i turned into a cup


    i’m ronald reagan, bitch, and i’m all cut up!


    (i see circles that are not circles, [scratching] that are not circles,)


    (i see circles that are not circles, [scratching] not circles)


    (now there you go again)


    1. 譯注:音頻的最前麵有一段:


    warning, the following audio constitutes a \\\"broken masquerade\\\" level breach at the 收容物foundation and has been ssified as \\\"very stupid\\\" by the o5 council.



    big egg on the beat.


