


    分卷一個不小心就發錯章節了我真的會很難受誒??o·(? ??????????? )?o·?









    1. harry potter. our new-celebrity.


    2. i believe i am the potions master at this school.


    3. wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys?


    4.you e here to study the potion is made precise scientific and strict process.

    there are no silly to wave a magic wand, and so many of you will hardly believe this is magic.

    i don\\u0027t expect you can truly understand the simmer about cauldron braved the white smoke out bursts of fragrance, beautiful ce, you never really know the influx of people vascr fluid, wild, will the miraculous magic blurred. i can teach you how to enhance the prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death -- but there must be a way, that is you are not i often meet the idiot fool.



    我並不指望你們能真正領會那文火慢煨的大鍋冒著白煙、飄出陣陣清香的美妙所在,你們不會真正懂得流入人們血管的液體,令人心蕩神馳、意誌迷離的那種神妙魔力..我可以教會你們怎樣提高聲望,釀造榮耀,甚至阻止死亡—— 但必須有一條,那就是你們不是我經常遇到的那種笨蛋傻瓜才行。

    5. tut, tut, fame clearly isn\\u0027t everything.


    6. be warned, potter-any more night-time wanderings and i will personally make sure you are expelled. good day to you.


    7. sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn\\\"t fair.



