sancho muttered this somewhat aloud, and his master overheard him,and asked, "what art thou muttering there, sancho?"

    "im not saying anything or muttering anything," said sancho; "i wasonly saying to myself that i wish i had heard what your worship hassaid just now before i married; perhaps id say now, the ox thatsloose licks himself well."

    "is thy teresa so bad then, sancho?"

    "射 is not very bad," replied sancho; "but 射 is not very good; atleast 射 is not as good as i could wish."

    "thou dost wrong, sancho," said don quixote, "to speak ill of thywife; for after all 射 is the mother of thy children." "we arequits," returned sancho; "for 射 speaks ill of me whenever 射takes it into her head, especially when 射 is jealous; and satanhimself could not put up with her then."

    in fine, they remained three days with the newly married couple,by whom they were entertained and treated like kings. don quixotebegged the fencing licentiate to find him a guide to show him theway to the cave of montesinos, as he had a great desire to enter itand see with his own eyes if the wonderful tales that were told ofit all over the country were true. the licentiate said he would gethim a cousin of his own, a famous schr, and one very much givento reading books of chivalry, who would have great pleasure inconducting him to the mouth of the very cave, and would show him thkes of ruidera, which were likewise famous all over man插, andeven all over spain; and he assured him he would find himentertaining, for he was a youth who could write books good enoughto be printed and dedicated to princes. the cousin arrived atst,leading an ass in foal, with a pack-saddle covered with aparti-coloured carpet or sackcloth; sancho saddled rocinante, gotdapple ready, and stocked his alforjas, along with which went those ofthe cousin, likewise well filled; and so,mending themselves to godand bidding farewell to all, they set out, taking the road for thefamous cave of montesinos.

    on the way don quixote asked the cousin of what sort and 插racterhis pursuits, avocations, and studies were, to which he replied thathe was by profession a humanist, and that his pursuits and studieswere making books for the press, all of great utility and no lessentertainment to the nation. one was called "the book of liveries," inwhich he described seven hundred and three liveries, with theircolours, mottoes, and ciphers, from which gentlemen of the court mightpick and choose any they fancied for festivals and revels, withouthaving to go a-begging for them from anyone, or puzzling their brains,as the saying is, to have them appropriate to their objects andpurposes; "for," said he, "i give the jealous, the rejected, theforgotten, the absent, what will suit them, and fit them without fail.i have another book, too, which i shall call metamorphoses, or thespanish ovid, one of rare and original invention, for imitatingovid in burlesque style, i show in it who the giralda of seville andthe angel of the magdalena were, what the sewer of vecinguerra atcordova was, what the bulls of guisando, the sierra morena, theleganitos andvapies fountains at madrid, not forgetting those ofthe piojo, of the cano dorado, and of the priora; and all with theirallegories, metaphors, and 插nges, so that they are amusing,interesting, and instructive, all at once. another book i have which icall the supplement to polydore vergil, which treats of theinvention of things, and is a work of great erudition and research,for i establish and elucidate elegantly some things of greatimportance which polydore omitted to mention. he forgot to tell us whowas the first man in the world that had a cold in his head, and whowas the first to try salivation for the french disease, but i giveit urately set forth, and quote more than five-and-twenty authorsin proof of it, so you may perceive i haveboured to good purposeand that the book will be of service to the whole world."

    sancho, who had been very attentive to the cousins words, said tohim, "tell me, senor- and god give you luck in printing your books-can you tell me (for of course you know, as you know everything) whowas the first man that scratched his head? for to my thinking itmust have been our father adam."

    "so it must," replied the cousin; "for there is no doubt but adamhad a head and hair; and being the first man in the world he wouldhave scratched himself sometimes."

    "so i think," said sancho; "but now tell me, who was the firsttumbler in the world?"

    "really, brother," answered the cousin, "i could not at thismoment say positively without having investigated it; i will look itup when i go back to where i have my books, and will satisfy you thenext time we meet, for this will not be thest time."

    "look here, senor," said sancho, "dont give yourself any troubleabout it, for i have just this minute hit upon what i asked you. thefirst tumbler in the world, you must know, was lucifer, when they castor pitched him out of heaven; for he came tumbling into the bottomlesspit."

    "you are right, friend," said the cousin; and said don quixote,"sancho, that question and answer are not thine own; thou hast heardthem from some one else."

    "hold your peace, senor," said sancho; "faith, if i take to askingquestions and answering, ill go on from this till to-morrowmorning. nay! to ask foolish things and answer nonsense i neednt golooking for help from my neighbours."

    "thou hast said more than thou art aware of, sancho," said donquixote; "for there are some who weary themselves out in learningand proving things that, after they are known and proved, are notworth a farthing to the understanding or memory."

    in this and other pleasant conversation the day went by, and thatnight they put up at a small hamlet whence it was not more than twoleagues to the cave of montesinos, so the cousin told don quixote,adding, that if he was bent upon entering it, it would be requisitefor him to provide himself with ropes, so that he might be tied andlowered into its depths. don quixote said that even if it reached tothe bottomless pit he meant to see where it went to; so they boughtabout a hundred fathoms of rope, and next day at two in theafternoon they arrived at the cave, the mouth of which is spacious andwide, but full of thorn and wild-fig bu射s and brambles and briars,so thick and matted that theypletely close it up and cover itover.

    oning within sight of it the cousin, sancho, and don quixotedismounted, and the first two immediately tied thetter veryfirmly with the ropes, and as they were girding and swathing himsancho said to him, "mind what you are about, master mine; dont goburying yourself alive, or putting yourself where youll be like abottle put to cool in a well; its no affair or business of yourworships to be the explorer of this, which must be worse than amoorish dungeon."

    "tie me and hold thy peace," said don quixote, "for an empriselike this, friend sancho, was reserved for me;" and said the guide, "ibeg of you, senor don quixote, to observe carefully and examine with ahundred eyes everything that is within there; perhaps there may besome things for me to put into my book of transformations."

    "the drum is in hands that will know how to beat it well enough,"said sancho panza.

    when he had said this and fini射d the tying (which was not over thearmour but only over the doublet) don quixote observed, "it wascareless of us not to have provided ourselves with a small cattle-bellto be tied on the rope close to me, the sound of which would show thati was still descending and alive; but as that is out of the questionnow, in gods hand be it to guide me;" and forthwith he fell on hisknees and in a low voice offered up a prayer to heaven, imploringgod to aid him and grant him sess in this to all appearanceperilous and untried adventure, and then eximed aloud, "omistress of my actions and movements, illustrious and peerlessdulcinea del toboso, if so be the prayers and supplications of thisfortunate lover can reach thy ears, by thy iparable beauty ientreat thee to listen to them, for they but ask thee not to refuse methy favour and protection now that i stand in such need of them. iam about to precipitate, to sink, to plunge myself into the abyss thatis here before me, only to let the world know that while thou dostfavour me there is no impossibility i will not attempt andaplish." with these words he approached the cavern, andperceived that it was impossible to let himself down or effect anentrance except by 射er force or cleaving a passage; so drawing hissword he began to demolish and cut away the brambles at the mouth ofthe cave, at the noise of which a vast multitude of crows andchoughs flew out of it so thick and so fast that they knocked donquixote down; and if he had been as much of a believer in augury as hewas a catholic christian he would have taken it as a bad omen anddeclined to bury himself in such a ce. he got up, however, and asthere came no more crows, or night-birds like the bats that flew outat the same time with the crows, the cousin and sancho giving himrope, he lowered himself into the depths of the dread cavern; and a射 entered it sancho sent his blessing after him, making a thousandcrosses over him and saying, "god, and the pena de francia, and thetrinity of gaeta guide thee, flower and cream of knights-errant. therethou goest, thou dare-devil of the earth, heart of steel, arm ofbrass; once more, god guide thee and send thee back safe, sound, andunhurt to the light of this world thou art leaving to bury thyselfin the darkness thou art seeking there;" and the cousin offered upalmost the same prayers and supplications.



