



    “ive been living with a shadow overhead~”一陣歌聲傳出,梓晴坐在工作人員搭的台子上麵,俯視著四葉草們。

    “ive been sleeping with a cloud above my bed.ive been lonely for so long.trapped in the past, i just cant seem to move on~”梓晴接著唱到。

    “ive been hiding all my hopes and dreams away.just in case i ever need them again soing aside tir a little space in the corners of my mind~”千璽蘇蘇的聲音傳了出來,隻見燈光在梓晴那處熄滅了,在千璽那處亮了起來。


    “all i wanna do is find a way back into love.i cant make it through without a way back into love.”千璽站了起來,梓晴也站了起來。千璽伸出手扶住梓晴好使梓晴從台階上走下來。燈光隨著千璽梓晴移動。而且做著這些動作的同時,兩人還在合唱。

    “ive been watching but the stars refuse to shine.ive been searching but i just dont see the signs.i know that its out there.theres gotta be sor my soul somewhere.”梓晴和千璽走到了台上,這迴舞台上的燈光都亮了,梓晴和千璽緊緊地握著對方的手。

    “ive been looking for soo shed some light.not somebody just to get me through the night.i could use so.and igestions.”千璽看著眼前的四葉草,時不時的露出自己的小梨渦。

    “all i wanna do is find a way back into love.i cant make it through without a way back into love.and if i open my heart again.i guess im hoping youll be there for me in the end.”千璽梓晴同時轉過頭來,對視著,唱道。

    “there are moments when i dont know if its real.or if anybody feels the way i feel.i need inspiration.not just another negotiation.”梓晴千璽看向前方,兩人依然沒有鬆手。

    “all i wanna do is find a way back into love.i cant make it through without a way back into love.and if i open my heart to you.im hoping youll show me what to do.and if you help me to start again.you know that ill be there for you in the end.”慢慢的,千璽拉過梓晴,把她拉到了自己的懷裏,直到最後一個詞,梓晴和千璽雙雙相擁。








    (雨晴:嗯,雨晴今天找的歌叫《way back into love》,大家可以自己找來聽一聽,雨晴之前聽的是衛蘭和李治廷翻唱的,很好聽哦。還有一件事就是,雨晴第二部名字定下來了,叫做《tfboys之愛於摩天輪》,不過還沒有發布,等到第一部完結之後,雨晴就會把第二部發上去,大家敬請期待吧!)


