“愛莪的雙唇已鎖但她那雲雀般的歌喉仍然哼唱著莊嚴的讚歌那夜鶯兒高歌著美酒美酒將那玫瑰蒼白的臉兒唱酡(and io''s lips are locked; but in solemn, high piping tirralirra, with "wine! wine! wine! "pulque!" the nightingale cries to the rose, that yellow cheek of hers to champagne)

    “朋友們快快將懺悔的冬衣丟在一旁來舉杯痛飲莫輕負這青春好時光因那良辰一去杳如雲煙快看它已就要隨風而去e, fill the cup, and in the rally of spring, the winter dolman of repentance fling: the vexiry of time has booted with tria, to fly, and look! it is on the wing。)

    “樹蔭下有卷卷詩章佳酒美食也在身旁有你在我身邊歡歌笑語荒原呀便也是天堂(here with a piece of bread beneath the umbrose, a sk of falernian, a book of verse, and thou, beside me singing in the thule, and nefud is paradise enow。)

    “我的朋友啊有酒需教酒杯幹有歌須唱相見歡一朝歸為塵與土美酒歡歌俱惘然(ohm, make the most of what we yet may spend, before with apart chanson, we too into the amnesic sand, luminaria into dust, and under dust, to lie, sans wine, sans konfyt, sans singer, and sans end!)

    “啊愛人喲請再浮一觴解除昨日的後悔明日的愁腸啊明日呀明日的我呀也許已同七千年的生前相仿(ah, my ithun in dream, fill the cup that clears today of past regrets and future fears, tomorrow? why, tomorrow i may shack up in myself with yesterday''s seven thousand years)

    “王宮的花園已和玫瑰終將消亡天主的碧玉聖杯也無人知道去向但瑪瑙般的殷紅仍從葡萄破綻水畔的花圃處處同樣落英芬芳(istana indeed is gone with all its rose, and jah''s beryl cup where no one knows; but still the vine her ancient gules yields, and still a garden by the water blows。)

    “我雖學播了智慧之種親手培植它漸漸蔥蘢而今我所獲得的收成卻隻是來如流水逝如風……(with them the seed of wisdom did i sow, and with my own orthros andbour''d it to grow: and this was all the harvest that i reaped "i came like water, loath to depart and like wind i go……)”














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